So I thought for this entry, I'd show you how I "silenced" my 8.5" Comfort Wheel, it really helped me a lot, I could finally go to sleep without the noise of some bouncy wheel!

I had to find a way to cushion the wheel, so the bouncing doesn't vibrate against the back on the wheel down the stand. For some reason, "cushion" reminded me of cloth and I had a new dishcloth just lying around. So I cut a piece of it vertically, only a few inches in height I folded it in half to make it a bit thicker, then twisted it and stapled the ends, Ellie has never got her teeth to touch the cloth , bit it your hamster finds a way to chew it, then perhaps sew the ends instead of using staples to be on the safe side.
Then wrap it around the axle (the space between the wheel and stand and tie the ends (or tuck the ends in) that stick out. See how your hamster runs on the wheel.
MY first few tries, Ellie was struggling to run on her wheel because the wheel was too stiff against the cloth, so you may have to adjust the length of the cloth piece or retie it.

Here's a visual! 

I've bought some white Kaytee Clean n' Cozy and some treat mix before I realized the treat mix had dried leeks in it. Oh joy.

Enough blabbering, time for Ellie pictures!

Ellie and her new eyebrow

How I see Ellie everyday (She hates her hut, she prefers the corner more) ...

Ellie and her cheese teeth... (ugh, sorry for the darkness!)

Ellie lying on the ground

Bye for now!

Random Fact: If you were to spell out numbers, you would you have to go until 1,000 until you would find the letter "A".
I'll add another one, just for fun!

Random Fact 2: Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite. Watch out, your hamster may be planning for an "explosive" escape! xD